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Get started with MetaMask SDK in your JavaScript dapp.


1. Install the SDK

Install the SDK in an existing JavaScript project using npm or Yarn:

npm install @metamask/sdk


yarn add @metamask/sdk

2. Use the SDK

The following are examples of using the SDK in various JavaScript environments:

import { MetaMaskSDK } from "@metamask/sdk"

const MMSDK = new MetaMaskSDK({
dappMetadata: {
name: "Example JavaScript Dapp",
url: window.location.href,
infuraAPIKey: process.env.INFURA_API_KEY,

const ethereum = MMSDK.getProvider()

// Connect to MetaMask
const accounts = await MMSDK.connect()

// Make requests
const result = await ethereum.request({
method: "eth_accounts",
params: []

3. Configure the SDK

The SDK accepts several configuration options when initializing. For example:

const MMSDK = new MetaMaskSDK({
// Required - Your dapp's info
dappMetadata: {
name: "Your Dapp Name",
url: window.location.href,

// Optional - Infura API key for read-only RPC calls
infuraAPIKey: process.env.INFURA_API_KEY,

// Optional - Customize modal display
headless: false,

4. Call common methods

The following are common methods you can call with the SDK:

// Connect and get accounts
const accounts = await MMSDK.connect()

// Get provider for RPC requests
const provider = MMSDK.getProvider()

// Make an RPC request
const result = await provider.request({
method: "eth_accounts",
params: []

// Connect and sign in one step
const signResult = await MMSDK.connectAndSign({
msg: "Sign in to Dapp"

// Batch multiple RPC requests
const batchResults = await provider.request({
method: "metamask_batch",
params: [
{ method: "eth_accounts" },
{ method: "eth_chainId" }